Monday, August 17, 2009

Selamat Datang Ramadhan

Lama blog ni tak berupdate. 'Main Author' nya lebih senang berFB drpd blogging.

Sempena bulan puasa yang bakal menjelma seminggu lagi, saya kepilkan beberapa hadis Nabi berkenaan puasa yang saya dapat dari seorang teman yang juga ustaz di FB. Perlu diingatkan supaya berhati-hati kerana banyak hadis2 palsu atau maudhu' yang sering kita dengar dibacakan apabila tibanya bulan Ramadhan, terutamanya berkenaan fadilat solat tarawih.

Selamat berpuasa!




Sekiranya semalam saya berkongsi menghimpunkan beberapa hadith maudhu’ dan dho’if yang popular disebarkan semasa Ramadhan, insyaAllah pada kali ini kita akan menyenaraikan beberapa hadith sahih mengenai fadhilat Ramadhan. Hadith-hadith ini sepatutnya menjadi prioriti kita untuk disebarkan bagi mencetuskan kesedaran rakan-rakan mengenai bulan yang mulia ini.

1.Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
اَلصِّيَامُ جُنَّةٌ فَلاَ يَرْفُثْ وَلاَ يَجْهَلْ وَإِنِ امْرُؤٌ قَاتَلَهُ أَوْ شَاتَمَهُ فَلْيَقُلْ إِنِّي صَائِمٌ – مَرَّتَيْنِ – وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ لَخُلُوفُ فَمِّ الصَّائِمِ أَطْيَبُ عِنْدَ اللهِ تَعَالىَ مِنْ رِيْحِ اْلمِسْكِ، يَتْرُكُ طَعَامَهُ وَشَرَابَهُ وَشَهْوَتَهُ مِنْ أَجْلِي، اَلصِّيَامُ لِي وَأَنَا أَجْزِي بِهِ، وَالْحَسَنَةُ بِعَشْرِ أَمْثَالِهَا [متفق عليه]

“Puasa adalah perisai. Maka hendaklah seseorang tidak berkata (berbuat) keji dan tidak berbuat jahil. Dan bila ada yang mengajak bertengkar atau mencelanya maka katakan: “Sesungguhnya saya sedang berpuasa” – dua kali – Dan demi Zat yang jiwaku ada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum daripada bau misk di sisi Allah. Dia meninggalkan makanan, minuman, dan syahwatnya kerana Aku. Dan Aku sendiri yang akan membalas amalan baiknya dan ketahuilah bahawa satu kebaikan dilipatgandakan balasannya sampai sepuluh kali kali ganda” [Muttafaq ‘alaih].

2. Sahl bin Sa’d meriwayatkan yang Nabi SAW bersabda :
إِنَّ فِي الْجَنَّةِ بَابًا يُقَالُ لَهُ الرَّيَّانُ يَدْخُلُ مِنْهِ الصَّائِمُونَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ، لاَ يَدْخُلُ مِنْهُ أَحَدٌ غَيْرُهُمْ، يُقَالُ : أَيْنَ الصَّائِمُونَ ؟ فَيَقُوْمُونَ لاَ يَدْخُلُ مِنْهُ أَحَدٌ غَيْرُهُمْ فَإِذَا دَخَلَوا أُغْلِقَ فَلَمْ يَدْخُلْ مِنْهُ أَحَدٌ. [متفق عليه]

“Sesungguhnya di Jannah ada sebuah pintu yang dinamakan Ar-Rayyan yang masuk melaluinya pada Hari Kiamat hanyalah orang-orang yang berpuasa. Tidak akan masuk seorang pun melaluinya selain mereka, kemudian diserukan, “Manakah orang-orang yang berpuasa?” maka mereka pun berdiri. Tidak ada seorang pun yang akan masuk melalui pintu Ar-Rayyan kecuali mereka. Setelah mereka masuk semua, maka pintu itupun ditutup, sehingga tidak ada lagi yang bisa masuk melaluinya.” [Muttafaqun ‘Alaih].

3. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri meriwayatkan yang Rasulullah bersabda:
مَا مِنْ عَبْدٍ يَصُوْمُ يَوْمًا فِي سَبِيْلِ اللهِ إِلاَّ بَاعَدَ اللهُ بِذلِكَ وَجْهَهُ عَنِ النَّارِ سَبْعِيْنَ خَرِيْفًا [متفق عليه]

“Tidaklah seseorang berpuasa sehari di jalan Allah melainkan Allah akan menjauhkan wajahnya dengan puasanya tersebut dari api/nar di hari kiamat, sejauh 70 tahun.” [Muttafaq ‘alaih]

4. Hudzaifah meriwayatkan yang Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
فِتْنَةُ الرَّجُلِ فِي أَهْلِهِ وَ مَالِهِ وَ جَارِهِ تُكَفِّرُهَا الصَّلاَةُ وَ الصِّيامُ وَ الصَّدَقَةُ (متفق عليه)

“Dosa yang dilakukan seseorang kerana fitnah keluarga, harta, atau jiran akan dihapuskan melalui solat, puasa dan sedekahnya.” [Muttafaqun ‘alaihi]

5. Abu Hurairah dan Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri melaporkan yang Rasulullah bersabda :
(( لِلصَّائِمِ فَرْحَتَانِ يَفْرَحُهُمَا إِذَا أَفْطَرَ فَرِحَ بِفِطْرِهِ وَإِذَا لَقِيَ رَبَّهُ فَرِحَ بِصَوْمِهِ )) [متفق عليه]

“Bagi orang yang berpuasa ada dua kegembiraan: Jika berbuka dia bergembira dengan berbukanya tersebut, jika bertemu Rabbnya (Allah) dia bergembira dengan (pahala) puasanya [Muttafaqun ‘alaihi, dengan lafaz Muslim].

6. ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr berkata yang Rasulullah bersabda :
(( الصِّيَامُ و القُرآنُ يَشْفَعَانِ لِلْعَبْدِ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ، يَقُولُ الصِّيَامُ: أَي رَبِّ إِنِّي مَنَعْتُهُ الطَّعَامَ وَ الشَّهَوَاتِ بِالنَّهَارِ فَشَفَّعْنِي فِيهِ؛ يَقُولُ القُرْآنُ: رَبِّ مَنَعْتُهُ النَّوْمَ بِاللَّيْلِ فَشَفِّعْنِي فِيهِ فَيُشَفَّعَانِ ))

“Puasa dan Al-Quran keduanya memberikan syafa’at untuk hamba tersebut pada Hari Kiamat. Berkata puasa: “Wahai Rabb, sesungguhnya aku telah menghalanginya dari makanan dan syahwat pada siang hari, maka terimalah syafa’atku untuknya.” Al-Qur`an berkata: Wahai Rabbku, aku telah menghalanginya dari tidur pada malam hari, maka terimalah syafa’atku untuknya. Maka keduanya memberikan syafa’at [Ahmad dan Ath-Thabarani]

7. Abu Hurairah meriwayatkan yang Rasulullah SAW bersabda :
(( ثَلاَثَةٌ لاَ تُرَدُّ دَعْوَتُهُمْ : الإِمَامُ الْعَادِلُ، وَالصَّائِمُ حَتَّى يُفْطِرَ، وَدَعْوَةُ الْمَظْلُومِ … ))

“Tiga pihak tidak akan ditolak doa mereka: Seorang pemimpin yang adil, seorang yang berpuasa hingga dia berbuka, dan doa seorang yang dizalimi…” [At-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah]

8. Abu Hurairah berkata, sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
(( اَلصَّلَوَاتُ الْخَمْسُ، وَالْجُمُعَةُ إِلَى الْجُمْعَةِ، وَرَمَضَانُ إِلَى رَمَضَانَ مُكَفِّرَاتُ مَا بَيْنَهُنَّ إِذَا اجْـتَـنَبَ الْكَبَائِرَ )) [رواه مسلم]

“Solat lima waktu, Jumaat ke Jumaat berikutnya, Ramadhan ke Ramadhan berikutnya merupakan penghapus dosa-dosa selama masih meninggalkan dosa-dosa besar”. [Muslim]

9. Abu Hurairah melaporkan yang Rasulullah SAW bersabda :
(( وَمَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ ))

“Barangsiapa berpuasa Ramadhan kerana dorongan iman dan mengharap (pahala) maka pasti Allah ampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu”. [Muttafaqun ‘alaihi]

10. Abu Hurairah melaporkan yang Rasulullah SAW bersabda :
(( إِذَا دَخَلَ شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ فُتِّحَتْ أَبْوَابُ السَّمَاءِ، وَغُلِّقَتْ أَبْوَابُ جَهَنَّمَ، وَسُلْسِلَتْ الشَّيَاطِينُ ))

“Jika telah datang bulan Ramadhan, maka dibukalah pintu-pintu langit dan ditutuplah pintu-pintu Jahannam, serta dibelenggu para syaithan”. [Muttafaqun ‘alaihi]

11. Hadith Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri :
(( إن لله تبارك وتعالى عتقاء في كل يوم وليلة – يعني في رمضان – وإن لكل مسلم في كل يوم وليلة دعوة مستجابة )) رواه البزار

“Sesungguhnya Allah memiliki orang-orang yang dibebaskan (dari azab neraka) pada setiap siang dan malam bulan Ramadhan, dan sesungguhnya setiap muslim memiliki do’a yang mustajab pada setiap siang dan malam” [Al-Bazzar]

Saturday, June 06, 2009

i dream of X.....

It is now 3am, am helping out azd with the transcribing (but he had already gone to bed, tak pe la..he started his work earlier tadi).

so just a quick entry before i forgot the storyline....jeng jeng jeng!

my dream last night:

suddenly in a place where there were lots and lots of kids....playing with their swords. it sort of looked like a lightsaber...ala yg mcm dlm citer star wars tu..... there were many cubicles.....then suddenly all the children disappeared.
so i asked somebody (tak perasan la sapa) what happened?? where did everybody go?? so this somebody said... the human population has extinct.

waaaaahhhh...mcm citer sci-fi pulak mimpi kali ni....
pastu tetiba je ada scene where people were busy doing something.... i looked around. they were loading their weapons with some kind of bullet.

begini ler kira2nya dialog dlm mimpi tuh:
"apa benda tu?" i asked them.
a somebody (terpaksa panggil somebody sebab tatau pompuan ke lelaki...hehe) said, " ni senapang nk lawan anjing.... anjing tu bukan real anjing... dah kena virus giler apa ntah... so kalu nmpk anjing tu ko tembak la dgn senapang ni"
"apsal bullet tu kaler putih? mana dapat?" i asked that somebody again.
"ni special bullet ni... susah nk cari tau. brand dia 'X'. kalu nk, kena beli kat franklin street nuuuhh," that somebody said and pointed to a junction.

then i looked to that direction, i saw franklin (a supermarket).... but i didnt see any franklin street. so i walked into the supermarket... tetiba je ada kat isle baby food, cari susu aiman....alamak!! susu naik harga lagi!!! cehhh......

end of mimpi....terbangun sebab nak terkucil


ok la...nak sambung wat overtime
nighty nite everybody!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

di satu mlm yg sunyi......

Jam dah pukul 3.30am. By this time yesterday, azdie was probably updating his blog...sambil menari pocho-pocho...muakakakaka......... ingatkan dia tgh buat apa pukul 4 pagi smlm, goyang2 depan computer, ghupanya dok hafal steps nak berpocho-pocho. Alkisahnya, tghari tadi masa aiman tgh tido, kitorg beriya menari pocho-pocho depan komputer...hahahahaha...nak tergelak. mula2 tu pening jugak nak ikut, last2 dgn adanya tok guru azd, maka berjaya ikut steps cikgu tudung hijau tu menari...wachaaaa!!! tp kak emy kata, yg tu just the basic steps, ada lg sambungannya....tak pe la, lain tahun la pulak.

So skrg azd dah terbabo. Aiman pulak dah 4 kali mengigau...hopefully tak nangis la. mlm tadi ke rumah kak zurin, solat berjemaah, bertahlil & baca yassin. Ayah kak shikin passed away early this morning. I'm sure it was a total shock for her. Apa2 pun kami doakan semoga kak shikin sekeluarga sentiasa tabah & semoga roh arwah ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg fatihah.

Masa mkn2 kat rumah kak zurin tu aiman seronok sakan main dgn syifa, ashraf, iman & ryan. Dok mengusik je kerja dia sambil ikut ashraf. Yg best tu dia panggil syifa, oya...oya (sofea). Laaaa......sofea masih di dlm kotak ingatannya...hehehe... tatau la, sometimes out of the blue tetiba je aiman dok cari2 oya.... oya ane?? ada sekali tu kat dlm toilet, dia nmpk toilet bowl terus ckp oya cing cing.. aiyaaakk..rupanya dia teringat ada sekali tu dia ikut sofea gi pee pee...hahahaha.... mcm laaaa takde benda lain nk ingat aiman ooii...
kdg2 uwin (aunty zurin) pun dia cari jugak. Sampai kena call kak zurin sebab aiman sibuk cari uwin nk borak. ouhh...glamer sungguh kak zurin ni..aka uwin aka aunty judy aka aunty zoey!! hehehe

***aiman mengigau***
-hmm...tu mesti teringat dia dok lari2 ngan ashraf tadi

"cnkslajfgkfkn,z......(tatau apa aiman mumbling...pastu gelak2)

aiman terbatuk.... "mama...maman atukkk"
-gave him susu, abis sebotol then dgn mata tertutup rapat, aiman tersengih sambil kata "laaannn.....laannn.....maman umpa elannnnn (maman jumpa uncle lan)
hehehehe........teringat kat abang lan ghupanya.

****end of mengigau episode***

once upon a time at berrima a few weeks ago.... kak zurin panggil abg lan "sayaaang ... bla bla bla..."
aiman pun dok menyibuk panggil abg lan "sayaaaanggg....sayanggg"
mcm parrot daaaa.............

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Happy 2nd birthday aiman sayang

Dear aiman,

Happy 2nd birthday to you....kejap je anak mama dah besar...rindunya time aiman baby dulu.......
Mama & babah doakan yang terbaik utk aiman, semoga menjadi anak yg soleh, diberkati Allah selalu, pjg umur, murah rezeki, sihat tubuh badan .... semua semua la yg baik..... mmmuuaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhssss Love you heaps!!!!!

**a poem from babah to aiman here**
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Thursday, April 30, 2009

what the......

was listening to the radio this morning....

papparazzi: have you heard about the outbreak of swine flu? it's all over the world and it is spreading quite fast. do you have anything to say about it?

a so called 'star': doesnt really bother me you see... i'm a vegetarian...

huh??? ignorance is bliss?????? muahahahahahahahahahaha..................!!!!!!!!!!

**more info on swine flu here**

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aiman, how fast you have grown...

1. Gathering with the Western side of Sydney's families at Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic Park.

Antara hasil kerja Aiman. Suka sangat tangkap gambar.

One of the activities, grab the lollies! Aiman dapat 3 aje, malu2.

Uuu, windy, cold!

"Babah, Smile!" says Aiman, meaning, "abah, take my picture!"

2. Trip to Uni to return a library book. Stop by at Mount Kiera.

Kasih Ayah bawa ke mati

Kasih Ibu sampai ke syurga

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

feeling low


mama: (muka monyok.....)
aiman: mamaaa....mama....
mama : (looked at him, smiled at him then faced down again)
aiman: mama...mama...

and then i swore i heard him say mama...kenapa??
i looked at him, he pulled my hand, put it on his hand...then patted my shoulder and gave me the sweetest smile...
oooh aiman, if u only knew what's on mama's mind......

Thursday, April 16, 2009

bila tuan muda bertitah.....

Me: you want to go to the park???
Him: Uuukk paaaarkkk.....(angguk2 kepala)
Me: Nak play ball at the park??
Him: Uuukkk ball....ball.. (angguk kepala lagi)
Me: Nak lari-lari kat ball??
Him: uukkk aliiiii aliii....balllll.... aliiii aliii.....
Me: Ok ok...wait ok...mama pakai tudung...tunggu jap babah solat..
Him: uuukkk....park....uuukkkk ball...olat...
Me: ok wait...
Him: uhuk uhuk...mamaaaa....paaaark..paaaark...
Me: ok...
Him: mamaaaa.....ball...jom jom...
Me: aiman nak pegi park??
Him: uuuukkkk paaaark... uuuuk paaaark...
Me: aiman nak pegi park?? yess?
Him: uuukk paaaark....uuukk paaaark...
Me: aiman nak pegi jamban???
Him: uuukkk baaaaannnn....baaannn....
Me: muahahahahahahahahahahaha..............

in the car

him: mamaaaa....park... ball ball...
me: ok ok..wait kejap lagi sampai..banyak car
him: ampaiiii...ampaiiii....mamaaaa...
me: ok waiittt
him: uuukkk ball..... ampaiiii...ampaii...
me: ok nanti sampai...
him: uuuukkk ampaiiii...ampaiii....
me: ok
him: mamaaaa..... ampaiii...ampaiii...
me: ok

and it went on and on and on and on until FINALLY we yeay ampaiiiii (shouted aiman) at the park to play ball and aliiii aliiii......

Friday, April 10, 2009

Goodbye tokki......

Welcome back to me.....alaaa, nak balik m'sia balik!!!!!


A few nights ago, I had a dream. it wasnt a nightmare or anything. I dreamed of my late grandfather, tokki or ayah as we all called him. I was at his house in KT, and all I could remember was tokki smiling and giving me a kiss on my forehead. And then I woke up.

Tokki passed away recently when I was back home. But unfortunately, due to some unavoidable circumstances, I was not able to attend to his funeral :(
The last time I saw him was about 2 years ago, when all of us went back to KT to attend kak emi's wedding. He was as usual, bed bound (he suffered a stroke many many years ago and as the years gone by, his health slowly deteriorated as well).
So i introduced Aiman to him, his i dunno 8th or 9th great grandchild. Because of the stroke, his speech was slurred but his memory was still intact. My grandmother, whom we called chek said, "ni org jauh mari ni... ingat dok?? elyn, anok ton. ni cicit ada skali nih. dok tahu laaa lepah ni dang ke dok nok jupe lagi"
and yes he remembered me, "elyn...hmmm mung blajo molek"
he was laughing and then he cried...sebak kot....sedihnya tengok tokki.......

When azd asked me, what can I tell him about my late tokki? Hmmm...garu kepala...
not much. He was a good man. Most memories with him were from my primary school years. We only got to see my grandparents during raya break, so that was like once a year. Sometimes he would come and visit us in KL. And when tokki was staying in our house, he would always be MIA. Where to?? He went to his fav place --> Chow Kit...hehehe... terer naik bas mini all the way from Cheras. kagum i!

And I remembered there was a pasar malam behind our house,and one night he decided to sell keropok there. So we took this one spot (which was so not strategic, a small lane next to the big main road where the pasar malam was, and it was dark!), set up the table, laid the keropoks and waited for somebody to come and buy the keropoks. And of course harus la adegan jerit2 from tokki and I, "keropok!!! keropok!!"
I think we managed to sell 2 or 3 packets of keropok that night and the money went to me...upah jerit tokki kata......hehehehe kelakar giler!
So those are some of the memories that I could remember this very minute about tokki...sedih pulak :(

May Allah s.w.t. grant Allahyarham tokki His blessing and forgiveness and will include his soul as one who is deserving of rewards in Al-Jannah.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Taking a break...home sweet home

"update la blog....lepas ni cuti 2 minggu sure tak update punya", big boss berkata-kata. "hmmm....baik boss," balas PA.
Bercuti kah kami? partly yes, taking a break, catching up with families and friends back home. But in truth hati tak senang maaa....Azd has to prepare for a conference in KL, I have to finish reading THAT book (uurgghhh)...tak pe tak pe, put aside those unhappy feelings for a moment. yang penting kita enjoy balik ni!! yiiiihaaaa!!!

So all the gifts have been packed in one big bag, tinggal nak susun baju je. Very the excited ok!! and not forgetting the thrill of going to bib's kenduri this saturday. Maklum la sejak dtg sini we missed a lot of those nasik minyak events. For the kenduri, azd has been appointed by the "commitee members" of Kota West to be the cameraman cum escortman for bib. I'm sure he'll do a great job capturing those happy moments on camera but sadly today his precious camera buat perangai pulak. Kesian dia, kalau hantar service amik masa 2 minggu. Sabar ye babah aiman, at least it is still working walaupun ada sikit bengong :p

Anyway I'm sure everybody cant wait to see aiman. Lets just hope he'll behave himself on the plane tomorrow night, and sleep all the way through.... errr cough syrup anybody??? zzzzzzz.....

alrighty, take care people!!!

Friday, March 06, 2009

When the wise men speak.......

from a sv to his ever so blur student: Dont be like monkey see, monkey do...take this book, read it, grasp the basic, we'll discuss this in 2 weeks time. AD can do it, she struggled at first but in the end she wrote a hell of a thesis. I'm sure you can too, it is tough but that's just life. but remember, time is crucial!

student: me...monkey????? blur...blur...


from a father to his whining daughter: happiness is not the station you arrive at but the way you travel to reach that station. So cheer up my dear daughter. No pain no gain. When there is pain, dont be insane :)"

daughter: yes my dear abah.... but oh my, insanity is like a kiss away from reality


and last but not least hehehe...

from a depressed wife to her i-am-doing-phd-too husband: ala tensionnya....tak paham...rasa mcm aper je... blah blah..blah...##@@$**###!!..... sroottt...sroot...sroott....(a must have Kleenex scene)

an honest reply from a serabut-too-husband: hmmm...sabar la, nak buat mcmana... Ok lah, nak gi mandi!

wife: (dlm hati..huh apa??? nak gi mandi??????) Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa................!!!! #%%$$#@$##%&*^#$$@$!#!

aiman: tjom..babah....tim tim (swim-swim)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

jiwa kacau...

kat luar hujan, dlm lab sejuk... kasut basah.. kepala nyuuttt nyuuttt... perut lapar.... mata ngantuk.....hati mandom (pms???).... supervisor tadak.... keje (????).....buat depression questionnaire... scored 36.. moderate to severe category... huh??? la la la la......

Monday, February 16, 2009

Weekend out...yumm yummm

Went to Chatswood on Sunday. Joined Kak Zurin, Abg Lan, Noor and Fathy. Main agenda: to eat hainan chicken rice! Yummy... It's owned by a Malaysian, and serve halal food. Plenty of food choices but we usually opt for chicken rice or sometimes assam laksa. I was so hungry because I didnt take anything before I went to the lab that morning (very bad habit!! yeah I know).
"number 24...hainan chicken rice!!" shouted the nyonya.

So everybody ordered the chicken rice except for Azd. He wanted chicken chop instead (reason: "I dont want to eat rice today"). But to his 'surprise??' the chicken chop came with rice anyway...hahaha.. punah harapan babah aiman utk tak makan nasi for the day. And then makan time!! (that is after abg lan recited the doa makan of course :P).

Chicken chop vs Hainan chicken rice

Aiman was as usual, ate a little bit here and there. Was more interested to "aliiii ...aliii..." (lari lari, with the hope that somebody might wanna play lari-lari with him but sorry bebeh, semua org sibuk melantak). Oouhhh dan sebelum makanan yg terhidang di meja masuk ke mulut, everybody (saya ngan kak zurin ler) sibuk menangkap gbr makanan. " kena masuk blog ni," kata kak zurin. hahahaha... i like!!
Everybody with their hungry smile.....bila blh start makan ni???

After that, we walked to Westfield Chatswood (just across the road). Once we were there, Aiman made a scene. He didnt want to sit in his stroller nor did he want to wear his harness sling. Azd and I had to struggle to put him in his stroller. Aduuuh sampai bengkok2 badan bergusti ngan budak kecik ni sorang. In the end berjaya, and as a reward (for not crying out loud hehehe) we gave him a westfield balloon (because he saw that aluuuun aluuunn).

Everybody did some window shopping, and then kak zurin asked, "elyn mana kedai churros tu?". ohhhh bestnya, I could taste the churros and the choc dip in my mouth already... "tuuu kat atas tu, nampak tak? jom kita minum2 dulu...."

Hot and cold hot choc

When kak zurin saw the shop she said, "laaa..akak mati2 ingat kedai jual churros tu gerai kecik2 je mcm kat gold coast tu, rupanya kedai sebijik". oh yes kak zurin, kedai sebijik yg jual all sorts of wicked chocolate thingy.

So what is churros??
Quoted from Wikipedia: Churros, sometimes referred to as a Spanish doughnut, are fried-dough pastry-based snacks, sometimes made from potato dough, that originated in Spain. Churros are usually made of a batter which is piped into extremely hot oil. They are certainly not a low-fat snack because of the frying process. Once the churro is fried it is traditionally rolled in hot cinnamon sugar. The ideal churro has a distinct crunch when one bites into it, but the interior should have a slight softness at the center.

Ok that's a little story on churros... sedap dimakan panas2.. even more sedap when you dip it in chocolate sauce. The one that kak zurin ordered came with milk choc dip, dark choc dip, caramel dip and white choc dip. And the drinks of course, cappucino, latte, mocha macarena and hot and cold hot chocolate. Oooohhh laaa laaa.....heaven!! Dan harus la ada adegan klik klik tangkap gambar juga.
I did try to make churros once but sadly I scored zero!! my churros turned out to be like a question mark shape... and a bit soggy (probably the oil wasnt hot enough)....but the major setback was because I didnt have the right star tip to squeeze the dough. Kesian kak zurin & abg lan terpaksa jd food tester to that soggy churros. hahaha... Oh well, better luck next time.

Aiman naik Barney..vrooommm vrroommm

p/s: terima kasih byk2 kpd fathy + noor & kak zurin + abg lan sebab belanja kami nasi ayam ngan churros! semoga sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki.... thanks again!!!! :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A wet Sunday

In the lab right now. And what the heck am I doing in the lab on Sunday?? Beats me!! Got a few stuffs to do, but was not really sure am I supposed to be doing it (after having a 5hrs meeting with my sv last Friday)... adoooiii laaa sampai berasap kepala otak!! Conclusion after the meeting: felt like banging my head against the wall, down sedown-downnya..waaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
Full stop.
Sent Aiman to his new babysitter yesterday for the so called trial thingy. Arrived at around 9.45am, had a chat with Nunu (the babysitter). Learned a new word as well ie "dot" (the pacifier, or known as "tin tin" to aiman). I bought one of aiman's toy just in case but when we came in maaak aihh Rafa's toy (Nunu's 2 yr old daughter) pun dah banyak dah. So I dont have to worry about bringing any more toys for them to play. She even had this huge toy (like a trampoline but it looked like a small pool and was made from plastic). Aiman confirm suka toy ni sebab dia blh lompat2!
And there were lots of big soft toys too including Iggle Piggle!! Yeayyy... Aiman's fav character from the series "In The Night Garden". After making sure everything was OK, then off we went. And as expected si kecik melalak when he saw us leaving him from the balcony. Kesian anak mama.... but hooyeahhh i didnt shed a tear.. well done to me!! hahaha.
Spent the next few hours in lab (ye saya sgt rajin! or was it terpaksa??), headed back to Lakemba for lunch. Had nasi beriyani and tandoori chicken. nyamm nyamm....But tgh2 melantak berdua dgn AzD of course la teringat kat aiman kan...apa dia tgh buat agaknya?
Then it was time to pick up aiman, yippieeee......
When we came in, aiman just had his bath. tersengih2 and he hugged me. rindu bangat sih sama anak mama! hehehehe....
Nunu said, "nampak mamanya pergi terus nangis, tapi nangisnya sekejap aja. Makan pun OK, uk uk pun udah cuma susunya nggak mau minum. Air putih juga dikit bangat diminum. Dan dia mau main sama Rafa"
At that time Aiman was happily jumping up and down in the big plastic toy. And Nunu continued, "Iyya, dia pinterrr skali nonton Iggle Piggle sama Rafa. Bila lagunya keluar, terus menari2. Dan bagusss, nggak kacau sama org".
She then took her handphone (wah wah nokia baru...cantik bangat...hahah sempat perasan lagi tuh!) and showed me the videoclip of Aiman and Rafa dancing. Kelakar je bebudak ni menari depan tv.
Ouhh pinterrrrr pinterrrr anak-anak ini. Alhamdulillah everything went well!! And it was a good thing that I didnt have that "unhappy" feeling like when I sent Aiman to his previous babysitter. That's a good sign, right??
After that we went back home. On our way back Nunu called, "mba, maaf ya. tadi ribut2 sampai lupa 'dot' aiman tertinggal!".
"nggak apa2 nunu, saya ada lagi satu dot aiman di rumah. nunu simpan aja ya, nanti minggu depan kan aiman dtg lagi. ok daaaa"
Hehehe...end of conversation. dot... dot.... tanpa mu aiman nggak bisa bobok!!!
Ok back to today's story. It's still raining. It's actually has been raining for the past week and the weather forecast says the wet weather will continue throughout the whole next week as well.. oh dear... basah la kasut ku nanti :(
It's summer but it feels like autumn. Autumn in summer. Sometimes you can have all the 4 seasons in one day kat sini. Right now there's flooding in the north Queensland and bushfire in Victoria. They called it the "black saturday" because it was the worse bushfire ever that happened last weekend and about 180 people (i think) were killed and thousands more lost their homes. Donations came pouring from people all across the country within a very short period of time. To date I think they manage to collect millions and millions of dollars to help the bushfire victims. Hopefully the bushfires will be contained soon.
OK la...dah lapar.... daaaaaa!!!

p/s: just received a call from kak zurin ajak gi makan nasik ayam kat chatswood... adakah boifen ku mau???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

International school

Came one was here. AzD and Aiman are still in Wollongong. So took some time to update my blog. Aiman is currently at Mama Azreen's house. He must be having fun coz there are kids the same age as him.
Was planning to send Aiman to a new babysitter today but had to cancel it. It'll be his first time with the new babysitter. I cant just leave him there like that. Kang demam terkejut lak budak tu kena tinggal with someone he has never seen before. Probably on Friday or maybe Saturday, will be the trial day for Aiman. Will drop him off, stay with him for a little while then off I go. And it wont be a whole day thingy, just a few hrs the most.
So Aiman had been to various international schools (that's what my abah called...hehehe). When he was just abt 4 mths ++, we sent him to his very first bbsitter; Jasmin (from Bangladesh). I dropped him in the morning then off to school. Then picked him up in the evening. The first day we sent him, Aiman cried and cried. Sedih kena tinggal kot (ala mama dia pun srooot srroott gak). When we picked him up that day, he didnt want to look at our face when we called his name (kecik2 dah merajuk..ciiit).
After a while we stopped sending Aiman to Jasmin. Then starting from last year till now, whenever Azd goes to wollongong, he'll bring aiman along and drop him off at kak azreen's house. Biasa la first day uhuk uhuk. After a while he got use to it and now I think he has fun staying over there. Good for him!! At least he mingles with other kids as well.
At the same time, we tried to find another babysitter closer to home so that we could send him there if Azd decided to stay at home to do his work. We managed to find one (from an ad in Lakemba). This time it was a Palestinian couple. We sent Aiman there like 2x/week. Since there weren't any kids (except for every thursdays), Aiman was all alone. Kesian anak mama.
I wasn't full heartedly happy everytime Aiman was there, I dunno why. So alas, we stopped sending Aiman to sekolah tok arab (as my abah called it).
Then last week, we met a new babywitter, Nunu (from Indonesia, which part of Indo I forgot). She was introduced to us by Tante Eli. She just came to Australia about a year ago with her hubby and their 2 yr old daughter. Had a little chat with Nunu.... which in the end I got a minor headache trying to communicate with her. Hahahaha... Masing2 tak berapa nak paham. For example she asked me, "Aiman masih diberi asi nggak?".. I was like huh...ape ke bendanya asi nih??? nasi ke??
"asi? apa itu asi? saya nggak ngerti nunu," I asked her, trying my best to immitate her indo dialect. hahahaha.... kelakar giler!!
i think she was trying to explain it to me sampai ketat2 muka dia... nasib baik tante was there and she said "oh asi..... itu Air Susu Ibu"
Hahahaha....ceh ingatkan makanan special apa..rupanya susu ibu dong!! pusing bangat!
There were some other stuffs that Nunu and I had trouble understanding each others word, which I find was quite funny but I cant think of any right now. hehehe.
So there you are.... international schools for Aiman.. starting with IBS (International Bangla School), to Malay, Arabic and latest Indonesian school. ngeh3x.
Hopefully everything will be OK with this new bbsitter, insya allah!!!!

p/s: hah!! these pictures below are totally not related to the story above :p
it was taken during our visit to sydney wildlife park.

Aiman's first encounter with the snake...

aksi ganas.... the wombat strangler!! run wombat run!! come this wombat doesnt move??? giddy up!!

a frog prince??? or is it a prince on top of a frog???muahahahahaha....

peekaboo...i see u!!

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Ok so these are the common questions that azd and i got whenever me meet our friends in fb or in person or kat mana2 je la... "bila nak abis?" or "bila nak balik m'sia ni??"
Hmmm it's actually a tough question. To be honest, it's a bugger to us. Yet we can only reply, "tak tahu la bila". Why? because although there is a black and white statement or contract or whatever you called it, saying that we're suppose to complete everything within the 3 years given, but much to our dismay there are things, events that we were unable to avoid or control. Kalau ikutkan hati nak balik m'sia dan dan tu jugak but it's not that easy la bebeh.
We can only plan but the rest is up to the Almighty!
And then sometimes people might say, "amboi ada masa u all update blog?" or "waaa nampak seronoknya u all jln2 dlm gbr ni" or "berjalan aje korang ni ek??" hehehe...
Well dearies, this is just a clarification from us. Bukan apa, we do not want people to think that we have all the time in the world to go berjalan2 aje...
No laaahh. All those pics of us berjalan2 tu biasanya during the weekends, kalau ada masa. Of course we looked happy and enjoying ourselves. Mana ada pegi jln2 tp tak seronok, kan?
So semua pun harus la happy2, senyum2. Kalau bercerita pun kena la cerita yg ceria2....kalau cerita yg sedih2 ... atau asyik whining selalu ke.. nanti blog pun gloomy. Plus I dont want our families in Malaysia to be worried or sad kalau baca entry yg tak best, dok gitu??
Cerita yg tak berapa sedap tu biar la rahsia...cewah! unless if i have to kalau tak tahan sgt, then maybe ada la kot nanti satu dua entry luahan perasaan. hahahaha....
Till then, do pray so that Azd and I and of course including our postgrad friends yg lain will manage to complete this journey and go back to m'sia to be with our loved ones! yeahhhh.....rindu KL! Muaahhhh.....

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Creative thinking??? or confused????

Scene One

Was watching Scooby Doo with Aiman the other day. There was this scene where Scooby was in a pirate ship. So I asked Aiman, "Aiman, what's that?".
"Bo", he replied, which meant 'boat'.
"No, it's not a boat sayang, it's a ship", I corrected him.
Aiman looked at me, a bit puzzled. " Shihh (ship)", he repeated.
So I asked him again, "what is that Aiman?" while pointing my finger to the pirate ship showing on the TV.
"Bekkk....bekkk...." Aiman replied.
Alamak..... now he's confused between a ship and a sheep!!


Scene Two

We brought Aiman to visit Sydney Aquarium. It was somewhat like the Aquaria in KLCC but there was no travelator throughout the tunnel. Nevertheless it was fun and the view was splendid.
So there we were in the oceanarium, looking at the stingrays, sharks and other fish as well. Then there was this one big shark hovering on top of us. So I pointed it to Aiman, "Aiman look, a shark!". He was too busy jumping and running here and there and didn't pay much attention.
I called and pointed to him again," Aiman tengok la ni... shark!"
So I managed to get his attention. He watched the shark and shouted, "Lane!! lane!!"
Alamak again..... And now he's confused between a shark and a plane. But you cant blame him for that..hahaha..sebabnya bila shark tu berenang2 kat atas terowong tu, memang nampak mcm one big airplane!!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm hungry..what's for dinner??

Didn't have lunch today... so by 5pm, my tummy started grumbling... After azd had his quick nap, we went out to our usual favourite place to dine, The Taste of Thai (TOT). Just about 5 minutes drive from our house. How very convenient to live in Bankstown. Halal food is easy to find, and since there's a Vietnamese town here fresh veges (asian vege) are abundant! Seronok i!!Ok back to our dinner story. So we parked right in front of TOT. Table no.1 is our usual spot but somebody was seating there so we sat some where else. Waiter dia pun dah kenal dah agaknya muka 3 ketul ni, tersengih2 tgk Aiman. We ordered steamed rice with Tom Yum mixed seafood, sizzling beef and Hoy Jor (tatau apa benda ni tp sedaaaap sgt). When the food arrived, Aiman started his temper tantrum. Like always, he didnt want to stay put (u cant expect an almost 2 yr old boy to have proper table manners, can u??). Nasib baik la minah waitress sorang ni dtg amik Aiman, pujuk dia dgn ais-krim. Elok duduk diam pulak budak kecik ni. So he got himself a choc ice-cream. But the rich and luscious choc ice-cream couldnt stop Aiman that very long. Dia start balik mengganas..hehehe. Kesian mama ngan babah terpaksa mkn laju2...
Lepas mkn, off we went to Centro Bankstown. Azd wanted to find some Wii's accessories. Maklum le, skrg tgh Australian Open... teruja la nak main game tennis... hehehehe. Didnt stay long at Centro sebab mcm biasa Aiman tak moh dok diam. Dia nak lepas sebenarnya, tak mau duduk dlm stroller. Mana blh tahan beb!!
So after we found what we were looking for, we went straight back home, rasmikan racquet tennis Wii.... lepak2 tgk Roger Federer main tennis (yeay see u and Nadal in the finals!). And now it's almost 1am...lapar la pulak.......

Muka jejaka yg kelaparan yg sempat menunjukkan simbol 'V' dgn jarinya di hadapan TOT

Muka kebosanan Aiman....

Hoy Jor yg sedaaaap...but this time lettuce dia bg sekeping je..ciiit!!
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Cuci-cuci mata...

When is the heatwave going to end??? Panas sangat.... Nothing much you can do when it's hot. I noticed my temper shoots up really fast time2 tgh panas ni (oh really??? now i'm blaming the weather?). When the weather is hot, you cant help but to go out, catch some fresh air (fresh????) and of course cuci-cuci mata as well.
So there we were, driving to Wollongong (I did the driving coz AzD wanted to snap on some pictures). First stop to UoW, dropped Azd kat situ and then headed to the botanical garden. Gave Aiman his own sweet time to run here and there. He had his encounter with the ducks and swans, sea gulls and some other species of birds which all seemed look alike to me. hehehe....
Then Azd came along and off we went to Warrawong because he had to meet someone there. He dropped us at Westfield Warrawong. Spent the time window shopping and trying oh so hard to keep the coin operated toys from Aiman's sight but to no avail. Ye lah, pusing kiri ada menatang tu....lari ke kanan ada menatang tu jugak. Tension betul. So ended up by taking Aiman to play at the westfield's indoor playground. There were some other kids as well, tp Aiman yg kecik sekali.
After Azd had his work done, we went to the North Beach. Initial plan was to go and dip ourselves in the water but it was freaking hot. Tengahari buta..matahari dok tercacak. Confirm berbelang hitam kalu gi mandi gak. Nasib baik Aiman pulak tertido. Tak sampai hati nak kejutkan dia.
So we decided to head back home, but on the way, stopped @ Bald Hill Lookout, such a breathtaking view. Azd had his hands full taking more pics.......

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Morning with Aiman....

Fuuuhh..... just finished presenting for the journal club this morning. Although it is our lab punya jc, dan yg dtg pun muka2 lab mate je but the pressure to stand in front of people and just talk is mounting high and exhausting. Tu tak kira kalau present kat mana2 conference...lagi laaa berdebar2 sampai sakit dada. Skrg ni pun tgh gabra sebab supervisor dah nak mai balik :(
Azd is doing his work at home (ye ke???) accompanied by yours truly si kecik aiman. it's very hard to do your work at home because aiman tends to distract you and demands your full attention. Dia nak ada org dekat2 dgn dia. kalau tak, asyik dok ikut la punggung mama babah dia. Tak tahan laaa kalau dia meraung menangis if he doesnt get what he wants. Tapi tu la, dia kecik lagi... biasa la at this age and stage byk karenahnya. kena banyak sabar dan sabar dan sabar dan sabar.....Alahai anak ku aiman, betapa dikau menguji kesabaran ku.....huhuhuhu.
Skrg ni makin banyak vocab aiman. Dia suka sangat kalau baca buku sama2 dgn dia. And he knows quite a number of animals dah and the sounds that they make... yg latest, kalau tanya dia pig (haha mcm tadak binatang lain daaa) bunyi mcmana dia pun jwb "oin oin".
And he calls himself "maman"..hahaha how sweet.

So this is a typical morning kalau dok kat umah ngan Aiman. If he gets up first, sgt la dengki kalau tgk mama ngan babah dia still asleep. Maka dia akan korek hidung la, pukul muka la sambil dok ngomel2 apa ntah. Bila dah bgn, he'll point to his eye and says "pek..pek" (suh mama dia pakai spek) and ajak "uaaa" (keluar from the room). Then he'll start playing with his toys and skrg he really likes playing with his train "omas"(Thomas and friends). Breakfast with Aiman takes a looong time (rasanya be it having a breakfast or lunch or dinner, memang berkurun nk tunggu dia abis makan sebab dia suka main2). He doesnt really fancy eating breads. Tapi kalau bg dia "eh" (egg) ngan kicap jalan aje. Sebab skrg dah pandai mintak, kdg2 pepagi dah nak makan "akin" (ice cream). So skrg ni ptg2 je sometimes bg aiman "nyam nyam akin".

Aiman tgh mkn "akin" dgn bestnya...

Lately sebab panas agaknya, asal nampak babah dia masuk bathroom nak mandi lajuuuu je ikut sebab dia nak "tim tim" (swim2). But before that dia akan tarik2 baju ngan seluar sambil kata "open" or "kukak".. suh bukak baju dia sebab nak gi "tim tim". Bila dah masuk, he'll ask for his "qua qua" (rubber ducky), "bo" (boat) and "piii" (toy fish).
Budak ni kdg2 senang nak gosok gigi dia, kdg2 susah giler. Tp sejak dah beli berus gigi baru which he calls it "poooo" (sebab ada gbr Winnie the Pooh), nak jugak la dia gosok gigi. Tapi berangan, nak pakai toothpaste org tua. Pastu dok "hot hot" sebab rasa berangin. kui3x....

Aiman tgh brush teeth sampai berpeluh-peluh...(tp mm kata tu bukannya peluh la...tu air liur aiman meleleh-leleh)

Nanti time mandi2 tu Aiman sukaaaaa sgt nyanyi2..agak2 blh la masukkan dia kat Australia Got Talent nanti.. hahahaha. Bila dah siap mandi, Aiman pun pakai "pipi" (nappy) and mintak "aju" (baju) & "uar" (seluar). Kdg2 kalau dia rasa nak nampak lagi smart, he'll ask for his "tok" (socks). Utk lebih bergaya dan kacak lagi, dia will point to his hair and say "kon" (mintak comb la tu nak sikat rambut dia). Ala aiman ni kalu sikat rambut pun tak jadi ape laa.... confirm tercacak balik!! Still standing??? Yesss... still standing!!
Lepas penat bergaya, dia pun mintak la nak "tutu" (susu). Sambil dok buat "tutu" kat dia, Aiman pun bz tolong kira berapa scoop dah tuang...."wan...tuuu...teee... eben...ten" (1,2,3,7,10).
Oh and not forgetting Aiman's best friend, nama dia "tin tin". Biasanya lepas minum "tutu" Aiman cari bestfriend dia. Aiman ni ada byk best friend. Ada kaler biru, hijau, putih, lepas satu2 jd penyek & hilang . Tapi patah tumbuh hilang berganti tauuuu.... skrg ni "tin tin" aiman kaler purple.... and of course dah penyek dah (tu yg sedap kot)... as a backup plan, harus ada spare best friend dia ni sebab kalau Aiman tak jumpa best friend dia sibuk la dok cari "tin tin ane??.. tin tin ane???". So who or what is this "tin tin"... jeng jeng jeng: puting Aiman laa...Hmmm aiman.. aiman... bila nak stop bertin-tin ni????
Kdg2 kalau atas katil, Aiman "bum bum" minum "tutu" while playing with his "bibibear" (teddy bear). Sometimes Aiman shares his "tutu" with his "bibibear" (sambil tonyoh2 botol susu ke mulut bibibear dia).. abih la masam bibibear aiman. Bila tangki sudah penuh, start la balik aksi2 tak-duduk-diam-walau-seminit aiman.......
Waaaahhh agak pjg entry kali ni....ok la will be continued later with other version of Aiman's vocab and updates.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A new and fresh looking blog of mine...

yeahhhh bebeh..... sangat suka dgn template baru ni...tepuk tangan..tepuk tangan. selama ni dok tgk blog org seme canteks2... so tergerak hati nak tukar template, bagi ada bunga2 sket.... kalu la buleh bagi wangi, dan dan tu jugak akan ku tepek bau harum semerbak kat blog ni...hahahaha... and yesss... i have been passing my time refreshing my blog instead of doing my work...hohohoho.. tak pe tak pe... u can do it!! iyah iyah!! lalalalala.....

borak kosong

skrg kat umah sorang2, balik awal dari school. hajat dihati nak wat keje kat umah (boleh?? boleh??). sebab kalu dok kat lab, rasa mcm tension tgk org lain wat keje. last month masa tgh uni break 2 weeks, time bebudak tu tak gi lab, rasa lengang sket bila wat keje. sebab sorang2, takde sapa kat lab. ni school dah start balik...adeehhh. jiwa kembali kacau........
azd ngan aiman gi wollongong. rindunya kat aiman. call kak azreen tadi saja tanya aiman apa cer. dia kt aiman tak moh mkn...dia pun naik risau, nasib baik susu dia minum. so i told her la aiman skrg ni ikut mood, time makan, memang dia mkn. dtg mood dia 'nanak' makan, serve la apa2, nehi layan ok.... geram gak kengkadang. kita dok risau dia lapar ke apa dia rilek kemain.
*******ishh...bila nak start wat keje nih???********

anyway, time tgh ada selera nak hapdet blog ni, maka haruslah menghapdet mana yg patut. azd pong dok kata, rerajin la update blog tu, nanti bila dah balik mesia and bukak balik entry least ada la kenang-kenangan...can ah like det???
nak citer apa ek??? skrg ni tgh time summer kat sydney... panas giler... minah2 saleh dah start pakai bj tak cukup kain..muahahahaha... depa ni tak takut kot the risk of getting skin cancer walopon kat tv sokmo dok iklan pasal benda tu. kalu time hangat2 mcm ni, berduyun2 manusia gi sun bathing kat bondi beach tu. apa yg best pun tatau la...kat mesia org sibuk nak putihkan kulit, kat sini pulak org sibuk nak tanned kan kulit.
and bercakap pasal panas ni, i wonder if we should cut aiman's hair. dah panjang dah rambut si kecik tu. kesian gak kdg2 tgk dia dok menggaru kepala. ke patut tunggu bila balik mesia nanti?? yeayyy.... bulan 3 ni nak balik mesia!!! tp yg tak bestnya, balik kejap aje. only for 2 weeks. takpe la, at least dpt ticket free (huyeaahh!!). bulehs la gi kenduri bib. tp fenin gak dok pk mcmana nak bwk balik brg2 utk family ni. org kat mesia dah pesan, balik nanti tak yah bawak balik bj..huhahuhahuha.. ada unsur2 keperlian di situ...hehehehehe
********aiikk......tak start2 lagi keje???********

jeng3x... nak upload gbr kat sini.. but sadly semua gbr2 terbaru ada kat komputer azd. dia bwk gi school. so tak dapek la nak tepek gbr kat entry ni..
eh ok la...nak gi tgk facebook lak... hahahaha....
*******akan ku buat jua keje yg tertangguh itu********

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


It's day 7 of 2009.... how time really flies... another new year has begun. A new hope.
People around the world celebrated new year with fireworks worth gazillion of dollars... singing and shouting and dancing..etc etc...happy worries..
But in one part of the world...Gaza City...innocent lives are simply worth nothing. Zero... Zilt... Nada... :(
Deadly Israeli raids killing hundred of Palestinian people. As the death toll surged, help and aid are no where to be seen (or unreachable).....not to mention the bias report from the media. WHAT IS ALL THIS CRAP????
We may not be able to help those in need directly but please do whatever we can ie donating etc....pray for our brothers and sisters...pray for the innocent children...
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