Thursday, August 25, 2011

Have a Blessed hari Raya Everyone!!!

(pic source here)

Syawal is approaching very soon...
It's a festive time for every Muslim to share the glory, happiness and celebration.

A gentle reminder to us:

Lock your house!
Check your car!
Drive carefully!
Rest in between your driving!
Bak kata Aussie:
Top up your TouchnGo!
Spare cash for duit raya!
Dont forget the sampul raya as well..takkan bagi duit togel je kot? hehehe ;D
Jgn la melantak bersungguh sangat like there is no tomorrow dah..kesihatan perlu dijaga!
Remember to take along your medicine/s!
Remember your loved ones!

To warga KL..enjoy the empty roads
I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty of 'international' faces loitering around
and you'll be like "Eh aku ni kat Msia kah?"

Saya dengan ini menyusun jejari yg tak seberapa runcing
memohon maaf kalau ada silap dan salah
Jemput la beraya ke rumah kami di Kuantan (tapi minggu raya comfirm la kami takdak hehehe)

Take care

**Dont forget the less fortunate, may they be in the blessings of Allah s.w.t always**

Monday, August 22, 2011

Donation Plea.......

I copied from this website

Let us help our brothers and sisters....


Our beloved prophet (pbuh) told us:

"It is the month of charity, and a month in which a believer's sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the fire of hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at all."

Nine millions of our Muslim brothers are suffering in the drought-ridden Somalia since the past two years. This is the worst drought in 60 years which has sparked a severe food crisis and high malnutrition rates. The Kenyan camp, Dadaab, is overflowing with tens of thousands of refugees. Thousands of families arrive in poor conditions often after walking for days in search of food. Up to 2,000 Somali refugees are crossing the border into Ethiopia every day, Some of them died before they managed to arrive at the camps.

There are thousands of children who arrived at the camps without their parents and parents without children because they are too weak for the journey.

Child malnutrition rates in the worst affected areas are more than double the emergency threshold of 15 per cent and are expected to rise further. High mortality rates among children are also reported. The Somali catastrophe is the worst humanitarian disaster that has claimed the lives of 29,000 children under 5 years of age in the past 3 months

Almost 99% of Somalians are Muslims. They are desperate for food. In the spirit of ukhwah and humanity we invite everyone to join us to raise fund to help them.

You can contribute through any of the following easy ways.

1. Cash given to CENSERVE office

2. Crossed Cheque/postal order/money order payable to International Islamic University Malaysia.

3. Payment through Bank : No. 1407-0000004716 - IIUM OPERATING (Bank Muamalat) Please submit to us a copy of bank-in slip for our reference.

We will provide you with receipts and letter of tax exemption upon request.


Level 2, Rectory Building, IIUM Gombak Campus.

Tel: 03- 6196 4085. Fax: 03-6196 4039

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Berbuka di Lila Wadi Restaurant

Selamat sudah menjamu selera di Lila Wadi last Tuesday nite.
Conclusion: Kenyang puas hati :)

Sempena bulan Ramadhan ni, Lila Wadi mempromosikan (eceh..duta tak berbayar!):

a) BBQ set and blh choose from:
-Beef set (ada sirloin la, lamb la etc + a bit of chicken/seafood)
- Seafood set (seafood semata2)
- Chicken set (+ ada sikit2 of seafood/beef i think)

b) Authentic Thai food pulak ada 5 jenis set:
- Siakap 3 rasa set
- Siakap phad phed set
- Cashew nut chicken set
- Roasted duck set
- Pattani Beef sirloin set

Dalam each set tu ada la anak2 tom yum goong, sambal belacan..apa ntah desserts and drinks and steamed rice

So depends on us whether to choose set utk cater for 2pax or 3-4pax
Harga pulak kalau utk 2pax is between RM 55-65
and for 3-4 pax dalam RM 85-90 gitu...

We opted for the Thai food set (roasted quack quack) and we got:
-steamed rice
-tom yum goong (prawn)
-mushroom tempura
-sambal belacan (perghh pedas pedas) dgn timun/bendi/kacang pjg/terung
-quack quack (byk portion dia, jenuh nak perabih)
-drinks (we ordered pandan cool-rasa not bad)
-apa ntah dessert ni yg santan + water chesnut kot (ala2 kat Johnny's tu)
-mango cheese cake

Aiman suh tapau cheesecake nih

Pandan cool (not bad rasa dia, cooling...mcm rasa serai wangi sket2)

So sesiapa yg interested, boleh la try out this Lila Wadi Restaurant :)
Cuma location agak tersembunyi...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mari berbuka

Konon-konon nak try ramadhan buffet kat hotel harini
Called ms garden --> fully booked
Called vistana --> fully booked
New Horizon --> fully booked until the 24th
Zenith --> maakk aihh mahal gilerrr..tak nak kawan!!!

Aiseh terlupa esok PH kat sini, ramai nak makan kat luar kot harini..
Tapi sebab nak jugak try, and lepas tgk review2 from others last2 buat reservation kat ms garden this friday..yahoooo... cum anniversary celeb la kiranya!

Tapi kalu dah harini tak jadi bukak puasa kat luar, so maknanya nak kena masak la kan...
Sekali TERjumpa ini --> Lila Wadi Restaurant
Baca review mcm menarik...
Ada promo on their BBQ set as well as thai food set.
tett tett..tett. 012-6644XXX
"Hello kalau saya nak buat reservation utk berbuka puasa hari ni ada tempat lagi tak?"
"Ada ada.. nak booking set apa ye?"
"errr..set apa yg ada ek?"
"Kita ada bla bla bla... bbq..bla bla... beef set..seafood set..chicken set.. blh try mango cheesecake..bla bla..thai food set... bla bla...siakap 3 rasa.. roasted duck..bla bla..siakap phad phred.. cashew nut chicken bla bla bla"
"Ok ok (perghh hafal menu mamat nih!! hmm nak bbq set ke set yg satu lg tuh.. kang kalu amek bbq set jenuh nak tunggu masak2 la pulak) hmmm...saya nak yg thai food tu lah, try set roasted duck"
"Roasted duck? dah pernah makan itik ke sebelum ni?"
"dah pernah...kenapa?"
"hmm..ramai jugak customer yg nak try itik ye...Ok blh bagi tak nama dgn no. tepon?"
"(kalu taknak bagi mcmana?? hahaha) nama dot dot dot... no tepon tett tett tettt tettt"
"eh jap ada surau tak kat situ?"
"surau takde, tapi kami ada sediakan ruang utk solat"
"guk guk guk....ok ptg nanti saya serbu. tengkiuuuuuuuu"

Yeayyyy.....ini mlm kita makan itiiiiiiikkkkkkksssssss
quack quack quackkk!!!

p/s: smlm gi param depan kedai makan Rahmat, keciwa dgn popiah basah satu gerai ni...dah la balut dgn kulit popiah...kempis lak tu takde isi..nasib baik kekeciwaan ittew dicompensate dgn satu lagi popiah basah sorang pokcik nih.. walaweyy popiah basah yg dia jual gemuk dan blh tahan sedaaap. me loike!! pokcik.. i will come back to ur gerai again!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Curahat ku....

Right now dalam kepala otak:

- alhamdulillah.. dah selamat dah en. suami pulang ke tanahair dgn imej rambut yg baru.. (yesss... i hv finally accepted that rambut adik adalah lagi banyak dari rambut babahnya)

- at the same time kesian kat en. suami sebab meeting yg berterus-terusan.. gambate!!!!

- dan alhamdulillah jugak sebab dia telah BERJAYA...huhuhuhu jelesnya saya.....insya Allah, my time will come soon!!! iyahh iyahhh

- tgh pikir apa laaa aiman ngan adik tgh buat...rinduuuuuuuu

- bila adik nak tumbuh gigi ni.. dulu aiman time 4 m.o dah kuar dah gigi dia... bulan depan kita makan bubur ok adik!!

- org lain dapat bonus 1/2 bulan gaji... tapi i nan hado uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....*mencik*
(ala nanti duit lajuuuu je kuar mcm air, kompem!!!!!)

- adakah saya akan terbang jauh to a couple of places by the end of this year? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ saya rasa mcm mahu tapi....... $_$

- kenapa saya gatal2 pi tgk review on skII?? apakah dan mengapakah???????????

- balik ni nak kena masak ke? *larikkkkkk*

- en. suami, lagi seminggu ++ nak enibeseri... letssss hehehehehehe ;p

- eh aiman pesan suh beli ais krim mcm semalam

- malam ini akan cuba utk buat tiramisu (dah berkurun sponge finger dok terperam dlm fridge)

- dan esok atau lusa nak buat cream caramel puloks ;)

- lepas tu bila2 ada mood nak try buat cookies yg fathin dah buat hohoho!

- huk oloh...tupperware dia tak return lagi! buat rete sungguh laaaa.. sorry!!

- nak beli kuih raya ke tak??

- nak cari kasut raya lah lalalalala

- kenapa laaaaa emas mahal nak mampssss?! org nak beli gelang utk adik pun tak terbeli2 lagi.. haihhhh

**ish ish ish... betapa berserabutnya otak sy berfungsi di kala ini. Curahat la sangat **


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