Thursday, March 11, 2010

At this point of time


It has been ages since I last updated this blog. So many things to do.. and yet so little time (ye ke?).
We have officially left the land down under.
Am missing the scenic view, the courtesy, the honesty, the cleanliness, the environment, the services, cool weather etc.
And now welcoming all the loved ones, good food, great places, hot weather (aduhhh.. kena cari fair & lovely daa)...
not to mention the Msian drivers who never fails to ignore the existence of signal light, 'cilok'ing here and there, driving while amik angin and talking on the hp.
and the list goes on and on... yes.. welcome back to malaysia.
So many things have changed and yet the mentality is still the same. Sigh...


Home Sweet Home

Already 3 weeks in Ktn... almost collapsed when I first saw the house. Terima kasih kpd adik2 bujang dari Kolej Shahputra dan UiTM Ktn... jasa dan peninggalan mu dikenang.
Thank you for all your CRAP!! Thank you for making a MASSIVE mess! Thank you for stealing and breaking stuffs in our house.
Thank you for leaving a soccer ball in the fridge and playing futsal in the house. Thank you for your irresponsibility, your ignorance. Your brainless action clearly shows your stupidity and immaturity. And you guys called yourself college students?? Boooooo Hoooooooo... SHAME on you people!!
I can nag all day long but I'll keep some when the time comes for us to meet again. Just remember, what goes around, comes around. You'll get your share of the deal.. !!@@#%&**#%!!!!

New Home??

Huh.... as if!! Hehehehe..... went to see some of the show units around BIM.
Various personal quotes:
"we should grab this house while we can.... "
"OMG... when can we move??"
" herrkkk... besarnya land area"
"there's a playground! aiman will love it!"
" haaa... nanti kita blh extend the living hall in the future (berangan)"
" yes yes... kita letak chandelier kat atas tu"

but always ended with:
"aiyaaaa.... manyak mahalllllll........"

so in the end... mimpi di siang hari ajer lah... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu
bila nak banyak pitih nih????



Yup, we sent Aiman to a playschool very near to our house. It;s already week 2 now. At first he was very much excited when we told him that he's going to school. "nanti aiman ada kawaan.. ada teacher," he said. Was relieved to see his anticipation.
But I spoke too soon bebeh! It was a hard job getting Aiman to go to school!!!!!! Phewwwww... first day at Taska: melalak menangis sebatu blh dengar!
Sedihnya dengar dia nangis..... rasa nak join nangis skali. But what to do...I had to lah.
To date, he would cry all the way to school.... but alhamdulillah, tak la lama dia cry. separation anxiety je kot pepagi tu. When it's time to pick him up, berseri2 je wajah, happy and smiling. Muka pun kdg2 putih mcm tepung gomak teacher sapu bedak. Hehehehehe....
Cuma this week teacher suruh pick him up a bit early, coz last week Aiman sedih when he saw his friends went back home before him. Wokeh la... no problemo. Demi mu Aiman....muah muah.....
Hopefully Aiman senang la pergi school lepas ni & tak cry2 dah....
Skrg nk tunggu dia lembut hati pakai uniform taska je hehehehe....



Abu Aiman said...

Jom Migrate!

Dr Amad said...

Salam ziarah kak...

Erm...kak ada bagi sewa rumah tu ke pelajar lelaki ke? Kalau cmtu, memang harulah deme tu...

Elyn said...

abu aiman: jom!!!

dr amad: salam, a'ah student lelaki lerrr... mmg very the haru!!

soulsearcher said...

welkam back kak elyn..hehe..aiman dh pegi school.situation yg sama berlaku masa 1st time hntr Aleeya dulu.culture shock..sebulan menangis tiap kali hntr pi school.sekarang..tgk tunggu sampai dia bersedia nak tukar school pulak.maybe tunggu sampai dia 4yrs kot.:)

Elyn said...

tq sya... tu la, hari2 nangis... tp skrg dah ok sket, walopun nangis, kaki tetap melangkah masuk taska. hehehe
aleeya nak kena tukar school yer?

soulsearcher said...

skang ni dia kat taska lagi.takde blajar sgt.nnti kena tukar pegi tadika spy dia boleh belajar.tapi kena potty betul2 dulu..baru bole start tadika.

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