Friday, May 21, 2010

Maid In Heaven

Just recently the government has set a new regulation on issues like providing a one day off to the maids, allowing them to hold on to their passports and also to provide compensation for maids injured at workplace. and oh... RM800 a month to hire a maid?

Personally I somewhat object (cewah mcm dlm court pulak) these so called new regulations. I see only the downside of it.

How sure are we that we will get an honest and qualified maids with that kind of salary? How do we know these maids will not run away at night (sometimes with valuables belonging to the employers). And who is going to look out for the employer's right? Aiya... and the list goes on....fuuhh stress headache.... (mcm la org yg cakap ni ada maid!! hehehehehe).

I have very little memory of having a maid when I was young. My parents hired a maid when I was already in my high school. The first maid was from Thailand, apa ntah nama dia. She was given a big room, next to mine. Sedap dia masak. She was with us for only a few months when she told my mum that she needed to go back "for a while" to her hometown to see her children. So my mum gave her some clothes and money (konon2 nak umpan dia to come back again). Tapi haram tak mai dah.

The second maid was from Indonesia, pun tak tahan lama. Sebab p.e.m.a.l.a.s.
After that, my parents stopped hiring any maids. We did everything on our own (eceh ceh...).

So back to the topic of discussion. Why the need for a weekly day rest? and that RM800 per month thingy. Are we willing to pay that much? Maybe in certain cases or in certain families memang the maid had to work their butts off. Tapi nama pun maid. Kalau suh buat tu tak reti, buat ni tak reti...sikit2 saya tak pandai, tapi makan nak yg sedap aje, apa majikan tak hangen!!
And I quote maid MakSu Tepeng yang baru, "saya lepas Isya pukul 8 terus tidur, barulah tidur berwudhu!" Waduh waduh... sedapnya dia tido awal. Tidur dalam iman gittew!!

With that one day off, the employer pulak disuruhnya pantau si maid. Aikk.. majikan agaknya dah takde keje lain kot nak kena monitor maid pulak. And again I quote, from Azd, "Apa kata suruh maid tu cari rumah sendiri, bayar sewa makan sendiri. Transportation sendiri. Cukup time malam, balik umah sendiri."

I'm sure most of the employers wont mind having to pay a lot of money (sebab kebanyakannya terdesak) but at least the agent should provide them with well-trained maids according to the specific needs of the employers, or at least lepas secondary education. Ni membaca pun tak reti, kunyit halia pun tak kenal, dah la kadang2 ada language barrier. Tapi bab mengira boleh tahan cerdik pulak!


cueks said...

salam perkenalan...
bese la mereka ini.. bagi betis hendak peha.

soulsearcher said...

hihi..totally agreed with u. senang jek..kalau nak cuti sehari, kena byr duit makan 3kali & sewa bilik sehari automatically deducted from salary. ada mau? tarak mau..carik hotel mana2..
apart from that, takpelah kelyn walaupun bersusah2 hantor anak pegi nursery..lagi sanggup dpd anak sy ckp endon jek pastu asik tempek ngan maid jek.

Elyn said...

itulah, tp kdg2 rezeki, dpt maid yg ok, ok lah. k.elyn rasa kalu in the future nak maid, nak yg on weekly basis je kot, dtg pagi2, kemas rumah etc. hehehehe

soulsearcher said...

sy ada surver dulu utk yg daily basis. byrn ikut jam..tapi rasa cam sgt mahal.better kita carik local yg boleh tlg kemas rumah.huhu...tgh mencarik.rumah dh mcm stor dh..

Elyn said...

so far sya ada jumpa ke any locals? haritu masa memula pindah ada upah maid sorang kakak ni, RM10/hr. blh hire maid dia time weekend tp kena booking awal.

soulsearcher said...

oo..dia kira hour ekk. sy duduk area baluk. hari tu ada upah sorang tp skang dia dh ada keje tetap.xmo dh bersihkan umah pun tgh mencari2 ni.

Elyn said...

kalau sya nak, nanti k.elyn blh fwd number akak tu. kot2 la blh hire maid dia masa weekend bila2. sya msg kt fb ye kalu apa2.

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