As gloomy as the 'weather' inside...(hahaha..padahal baru melantak sebungkus famous amos!)
hujan je hari2...where is mr sunshine? (dah berhari2 baju + bantal busuk aiman tersadai kat luar, tak kering2 lagi)
dok dlm bilik pun rasa mcm nk jadi frozen beef
sejuk....(off the a/c - done)
Rasa nak zzzzzzzzz.......bantal tak de.
Bila nok buleh ke laut nih??
This week aiman has been a good boy
He even wanted to be the first to arrive at his school yesterday (sebab Wednesday is his sports day) and he didnt bother to hv breakfast as usual (sebab nk breakfast kat school katanya)
So eager to wear his new sports attire and not so new pair of shoes, his face showed a little disappointment when he saw some of his friends had already arrived.
Tak pe la Aiman, tak jadi no.1 to arrive pun, number lain pun dpt point jugak (ayat bila main game dgn dia... hehehehe)
But i reckon the kids only managed to play for a short period of time because it started to rain after that.
Back at home last nite, Aiman was telling me Tasha (his friend) brought yo yo to school but refused to give him a chance to try it out
"kesian kat aiman, tasha tak bagi aiman play," he said sambil buat muka seposen.
Alahai kesian la pulak kat budak tecik ni.... nanti mama cari yo yo satu kat Aiman ok!!
In search for a yo yo for budak tecik Aiman.
Found a few in Carrefour but omg...the price ranges from rm15 - rm40!!
Kensel mak! apa benda punya yo yo je pun kemain mahalnya..
Makan 2 org kat Black Canyon pun konyang!!
Nanti kita gi cari kat kedai lain hokey!
Sekian, enough babbling for today
aiman lahir bulan berapa ya? such a competitive boy. saya suka!
harraz masuk 3rd day jer, dah taknak cerita apa2.. bila tanya psl school, dia melencong ckp benda lain..
gB: bulan May...dia semua benda pun nak no. 1 hehe.
kak hanie: aiyaa..apa pasal? hehehe. aiman pun sama. kdg2 kalu wrong timing tanya pasal school, dia buleh jadi bad mood. bo layan soalan mak dia.
ic. good boy.
topik lain. makan kat black canyon mmg sedap kan? huhu~
sedaaaap.....service pun so far ok :)
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