Saturday, June 24, 2006

Mutiara kata

Dunno what to write, but kena paksa... kahkahah...

orait... just wanna say something bout what the Imam in Penshurst Mosque delivered during jumaah khutbah yesterday. The topic was on 'Action'. Action is an important part in our religion, and action here means our perbuatan and tingkah laku. Action is more powerful than words. Islam has spread all over the world today is because of the Arab merchants action, who travelled all over the world up to China. Malaysia and Indonesia have embraced Islam through this action. ALHAMDULILLAH... if not ntah2 kita ni masih lagi Hindu/Buddha.

Our action also is the reflection of our akhlak. The imam told a story of a muslim merchant during the glory days of Islam. One day, at a harbour market somewhere in a non-muslim country, a local man came onto a merchant ship for a business. After he has finished with his business matter, he left the ship without realizing he left a sack of gold coin on the ship. The merchant also did not realize it, until the ship has sailed away from that country as the wind changed. During that time there were no advance telecommunications where you can just simply call or email or even air mail whatsoever. What happened was, the merchant kept the sack of gold until he and his ship came to that country again the next season. He then searched for the person who left the gold coin and returned it back to him. "Why did you return it back to me after it has been with you for so long?" the local guy asked. "It is yours, not mine. I have to return things that is not mine to its master", replied the merchant. Because of the good akhlaq practiced by this Muslim merchant, the guy has embraced Islam, and Islam has spread all over the country.

Hmm... can you imagine how this world could become peaceful without war whatsoever, if all Muslims nowadays can have such a good akhlaq. Akhlaq is a very important tool if we want to clean our image as a Muslim. People who don't understand Islam and all the non-muslims will look at your akhlaq. They never know how hard you pray at night, how strong your faith is, how many times you go for haj or how often you fast. But they can see the way we interact with people, how you address other people, the way you speak, work, eat, and your ACTION. But what are we muslim doing in the world today? we can not even manage our own country, fighting among ourselves, quarreling about small things (furu'iah), we even bertumbuk just because berebut channel tv nak tengok world cup ngan gusti kat kedai kopi (refer today's Utusan Malaysia). Tak pasal2 je atuk tu mati.

So my point is, we have to check ourself first, muhasabah diri, and if you say something, you must first do it yourself. At international level, the Umara' acknowledged that muslim countries is not strong and totally united, and keep saying about the importance of unity. But as we can see, sapa yang hulur derma dulu when there is a disaster? Which group yang sampai dulu kat tempat2 bencana ni nak hulur bantuan? ALhamdulillah Malaysia kita boleh tahan jugak la bab2 ni, we have Mercy, etc... Then at national level, again we fight among ourselves, partisan, different school of thoughts. Why is this happening? SEDARLAH, we have ONE GOD, and we have the same religion, ISLAM. Can't we just be united in the name of ISLAM?

And lastly, for mortals like us who have no power to change the world, remember that we have to inculcate a good akhlak in ourself and our family. I am reminding myself as a husband and all the people out there, dont just ask your wives and kids to behave with a good akhlaq, without you practicing it first. Jangan orang kata cakap tak serupa bikin. Allah said in the Holy Quran:

"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, mengapa kamu mengatakan apa yang tidak kamu perbuat?
Amat besar kebencian di sisi Allah bahwa kamu mengatakan apa-apa yang tiada kamu kerjakan" (As-Sof, ayat 2-3)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uiyo..rajinnya azdie amik nota ms khutbah.hehehehe.

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